It's simple

Create an address

Generate an address with unique passphrase to receive payments via this Gateway. It's 100% JavaScript and works in your browser.


Install plugin

Install plugin for your e-commerce solution to accept payments in Karbo.
Or use our API.


Receive payments

Receive payments in Karbo. It's quick, simple and profitable. You increase the value of your Karbo by very accepting it at your store.


It's safe

Only you got the keys

Secret key to your wallet is generated in your browser and never sent to our servers, that's why it's impossible to steal your Karbo from our servers — all we can do is tracking your incoming payments.

Be your own bank!

Just keep your secret key secret in a safe place.

Use it in your wallet

Import your secret key to your wallet — that's the only way to spend your Karbo.

What's the catch?

Convenience comes at the cost of privacy

You share view key of your wallet with us so we can track payments for you.
Because view key is common and known to others, it's possible to expose your incoming transactions.
However they won't know your customer's address or what you did with those funds later.
That's all. We made free gateway and don't collect fees because we need you.

KRB processed


Generate wallet

very weak (less than 10 words)

Use this form only to restore wallet on server if you are getting the error "Requested wallet not found".

Request payment

Create payment request and send URL of the page with request to your client. On that page you can also track if it's paid. (Works only with wallets, created at this site).


Pay Button

Create button for receiving payments. Works only with wallets, created at this site.

Every time new Payment ID is generated on load.

Copy and use this code in your site.


More plugins coming soon...


This is free payment gateway to receive payments in Karbo.

Since it's free to use we hope and expect donations to cover hosting expenses and for further development.

Dues donations are not obligatory, in the same time we do not guarantee the existence of the service if there will be no donations.

Address for donations:

Gateway API

Our server provides JSON 2.0 RPC interface for Karbovanets payment operations and tracking addresses creation. Each available method is described below.

To make a JSON PRC request you should use POST request that looks like this:

Get unconfirmed transaction hashes

getUnconfirmedTransactionHashes() – method returns information about the current unconfirmed transaction pool or for a specified addresses.

Transaction consists of transfers. Transfer is an amount-address pair. There could be several transfers in a single transaction.


Argument Mandatory Description Format Example
addresses No Array of strings, where each string is a valid address array See below

Note: if addresses parameter is set, getUnconfirmedTransactionHashes() method returns transactions that contain transfer from at least one of specified addresses. This should be used to check for unconfirmed payments for your wallet address.


Argument Description Format Example
transactionHashes Array of strings, where each string is a hash of an unconfirmed transaction array See below

Input example:


Output example:


Get transactions

getTransactions() – method returns an array of block and transaction hashes.


Argument Mandatory Description Format Example
addresses No Array of strings, where each string is an address array See below
blockHash Only one of these parameters (blockHash or firstBlockIndex) is allowed. Hash of the starting block string 8fa07712cbf22c263834c0ac9a3f05058856a1fa7fa3d3eda332f63519b23bd1
firstBlockIndex Only one of these parameters (blockHash or firstBlockIndex) is allowed. Starting height uint32 123123
blockCount Yes Number of blocks to return transaction hashes from uint32 20
paymentId No Valid payment_id string a9dbf631b780b36a3e8b019d897d3fcf259cd0ab477791f6ddf449c18717f233

Note: if paymentId, parameter is set, getTransactions() method returns transactions that contain specified payment_id. (in the set block range).

Note: if addresses, parameter is set, getTransactions() method returns transactions that contain transfer from at least one of specified addresses.

Note: if both above mentioned parameters are set, getTransactions() method returns transactions that contain both specified payment_id and transfer from at least one of specified addresses.

This can be used to look for particular payment for your shop.


Argument Description Format Example
items Array that contains:
  • block_hash - string - hash of the block which contains a transaction
  • transactions - array - contains:
    • transactionHash - string - hash of the transaction
    • blockIndex - uint32 - number of the block that contains a transaction
    • timestamp - uint64 - timestamp of the transaction
    • isBase - boolean - shows if the transaction is a coinbase transaction or not
    • unlockTime - uint64 - height of the block when transaction is going to be available for spending
    • amount - int64 - amount of the transaction
    • fee - uint64- transaction fee
    • extra - string
    • paymentId - string - payment_id of the transaction (optional)
    • ransfers - array - contains:
      • address - string
      • amount - int64
array See below

Input example:


Output example:


Get transaction

getTransaction() – method returns information about a particular transaction.


Argument Mandatory Description Format Example
transactionHash Yes Hash of the requested transaction string Example


Argument Description Format Example
transaction Contains:
  • transactionHash - string - hash of the transaction
  • blockIndex - uint32 - number of the block that contains a transaction (optional)
  • timestamp - uint64 - timestamp of the transaction (optional)
  • isBase - boolean - shows if the transaction is a coinbase transaction or not
  • unlockTime - uint64 - height of the block when transaction is going to be available for spending
  • amount - int64 - amount of the transaction
  • fee - uint64- transaction fee
  • extra - string - used to store the payment_id and other information
  • paymentId - string - payment_id of the transaction (optional)
  • transfers - array - contains:
    • address - string
    • amount - int64
array See below

Input example:


Output example:
